Published Date: Oct 31, 2023
Last Updated:
Environment is no one's property to destroy; it's everyone's responsibility to protect,and never before have students had such opportunities to let off steam when they feel their university teaching has failed to come up to scratch, and never before have lecturers been so publicly at their mercy.

Being the Heart of the System,students of Guidance and counselling 2021 regular set have chosen to go green as there is no plan B on our environment and also give an award of excellence to students and lecturers.

These awards not only recognise lecturers for their teaching but also those staff who support our learning and students who relentless support the growth of other students.

While asking the class representative on what motivated the class to embark on this great idea, he said;"We are not new to history of motivation and concerning our environment;don't pay the price, keep your city nice. Don't litter. "

This event is scheduled to be held on the 6th day of November 2023 at the faculty of education.


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  • Jacob Musa
    Jacob Musa November 1, 2023 at 7:16 AM

    We move! Nonstop

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