Published Date: Oct 15, 2023
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There was a tree with so much cuts and injuries with lots of stones, clubs and sticks piled up underneath her. Other trees were curious and asked the tree why is it that she had so much cuts and wounds on her and why were there so much stones, clubs and sticks underneath her.

In response the tree said my cuts and wounds are not self-inflicted but were caused by those who wanted to cut me down because my fruit drew too much crowd. Also, those who wanted to pluck my fruit threw stones, clubs and sticks at my fruit wounding me in the process, hence, the pile of sticks, stones and clubs underneath me.

The other trees sympathized with the wounded and bruised tree for the pains she had endured for years. They said to her, since you know your fruit is the reason for your suffering why not seize from bearing fruit? In response, she smiled and said, bearing fruit is my purpose and destiny in life, if I fail to bear fruit I seize to exist.


1. If you want to be fruitful, popular, rich and talented in life, expect unwarranted attacks from men just like the tree that was attacked for her fruit

2. Like the tree in the above story, be ready to be wounded by men who are either jealous of your fame or wants to exploit you

3. Make up your mind to be betrayed and hurt by outsiders (stones) and friends and family members (sticks). The tree was wounded by stones which were not related to her but unfortunately other stick who were related to her in the tree family were also used to injure her

4. Some may want to terminate your life just as people attempted to cut down the tree for pulling so much crowd to herself but God will deliver you from their hands as He delivered the poor tree

5. Don't stop making impact because of betrayals, threats and persecutions. If you seize to fullfil your purpose you seize to be relevant and thereby seize to exist

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