It never gets old—Eid Mubarāk from my desk—Hon. Ifesinachi Donald.

Published Date: Jun 16, 2024
Last Updated:
It never gets old—Eid Mubarāk from my lens.

Embedded in the traditions and culture of Islam, Eid Al-Adha is a time of sacrifice and giving back. The acts of charity that are so much a part of this festival imbue the season with compassion and care.

This holy feast of sacrifice unites Muslims around Nigeria, as you come together to honour and reflect upon your faith. Here at UofA;our home,the boundless generosity and powerful community spirit of Muslim UofA students is an inspiration to so many.

Vis-à-vis, Eid Mubarak to all Muslim faithfuls in UofA. I pray that Allah accept all your duas and make life easy for you all. Happy Sallah ❤️

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