Ask NUESA: Rising Above Toxicity: Navigating a Healthy Work Environment

Published Date: Sep 11, 2023
Last Updated:
Hon. Dr. Ahmed Saba and Comr Jibril Shaibu

Toxic employees are a poison that threatens to contaminate the workplace environment. They spread dissent and discontent among co-workers, lowering employee morale and productivity. Whether manipulators, gossips, whiners, backstabbers, or perceived “victims,” these individuals can wreak havoc on any organization. Many companies have toxic employees but fail to deal with them.

If you are a victim of a toxic environment and you are tormented by toxic people, the most important thing to do is this: don’t lower your level; stay above them and keep your mind and emotions in check. If this type of behavior is tolerated at your organization, don’t hesitate to vacate that space. Never react to toxic people, and never settle for any toxic environment. The world is overflowing with opportunities take advantage of all.

Comrade Jibril Shaibu

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