Published Date: Sep 3, 2023
Last Updated:
Crisis in the Classroom

In the heart of the nation, a classroom stands,
A place where dreams should take eager hands,
But shadows loom over this sacred land,
A broken system, we must understand.

With overcrowded halls and crumbling walls,
The children enter, as the system stalls,
Books tattered, dreams shattered, as it recalls,
A promise of education, in echoing halls.

Teachers underpaid, their spirits strained,
Dedication wanes, as they're often blamed,
In this battle, they're unfairly named,
In a system flawed, yet still, they aimed.

Curriculum outdated, a fading light,
In this dimness, future's out of sight,
Knowledge trapped, like a bird in flight,
Within the cage of an endless night.

Access denied to those far and wide,
Inequality, like an ever-rising tide,
A nation's potential, too often denied,
In the mire of the system's great divide.

Innovations lacking, technology sparse,
A modern world, we cannot traverse,
In this stagnant river, we immerse,
While elsewhere, they sail and disperse.

But let us unite, with voices strong,
In this struggle, we all belong,
To reform the system, right the wrong,
For a brighter future where dreams are thronged.

Invest in education, a key to empower,
In this endeavor, let's stand and tower,
Break the chains, reclaim our power,
In unity, we'll make education flower.

For the classroom holds dreams untold,
In a better system, their stories unfold,
In this tale of change, let's be bold,
A brighter future, for young and old.

© Mercy Young

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