Published Date: Sep 3, 2023
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NUESA press meeting...

In 2012, Universidad Tecmilenio introduced the Institute for Happiness and Wellbeing and overhauled its teaching in order to meet the needs of students and current industry trends.

While many consider attending university a way to leverage promising career prospects like Professor WOLE SOYINKA etcetera, university is also a unique opportunity where you can look at yourself and think about how you can benefit and grow personally from the experience like Dr MARCUS RASHFORD.

University is full of opportunities, but sometimes it can be hard to know which way to look first,but it's proven that designing a university around the realms of happiness, positivity, engagement and wellbeing is the best for students self awareness.

Moreover, mothers are obviously known as agents of procreation. This can be likened to Educators who also produce professionals in different fields of the world. Educators in all spheres of life are meant to procreate – train and nourish- students to become who they aspire to be. Apart from that, mothers are known to have more experiences and skills than their children.

 The Nigerian union of Education students 2023 executives led by Comrade PeaceKid, on the 1st of September 2023 launched the NUESA PRESS ORGANIZATION, vis-à-vis making the Mother Faculty take her place as the Mother of Education in the University.This recent development is aimed at making the students from mother faculty conversant with the today's world of digital teaching and multitasking.

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