Published Date: Sep 3, 2023
Last Updated:
Mercy young

In Nigeria's heart, where dreams take flight,
A youth brigade, embracing the fight,
Through trials and woes, they stand upright,
Bearing the burdens of day and night.

Economic storms, they steadfastly brave,
Unemployment's specter, the lives it engraves,
Yet in the face of these turbulent waves,
They rise with courage, their futures to save.

Education's promise, a beacon afar,
Yet the system falters, with gaps that mar,
In pursuit of knowledge, they travel far,
Seeking a path to who they are.

Curriculum's weight, a heavy chain,
Skills mismatched, causing frustration's pain,
But they strive, with hopes to attain,
A brighter future through knowledge's reign.

Mental battles, they wage within,
Pressure mounts, yet they refuse to give in,
With resilience, they fight to win,
Their mental health a vital sinew, thin.

In this vast nation, they raise their voice,
In unity, they seek to rejoice,
A chorus of change, a powerful choice,
To reform the system, they'll make that noise.

Nigerian youth, both bold and wise,
With determination in their sparkling eyes,
They'll overcome hurdles, reach for the skies,
For in their unity, their strength will rise.

In struggles faced, their stories unfold,
In the educational system, they find a stronghold,
With dreams untold and futures untold,
Nigerian youth, their spirit, gold.

In unity, they'll carve their way,
A brighter dawn, a brand-new day,
For the struggles they face, they'll gently sway,
Toward a future where dreams hold sway.

So, let us support, let us stand tall,
With Nigerian youth, one and all,
Together, we'll rise, we'll heed the call,
In unity, we'll break down every wall.

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