HEALTH: The Mystery surrounding Nigeria's use of vaccines: Negligence and oversight by Universities.

Published Date: Sep 5, 2023
Last Updated:

Despite the lack of any clinical trial and public data on the safety and efficacy of these vaccines, it remains a mystery to me why the Nigerian government is geared towards using them on the populace.

Oh! I frown at Nigeria universities and their negligence and oversight in protecting Nigerian communities from becoming vaccine-testing laboratories.

It baffles me that even with the heads of 219 accredited universities in Nigeria, they have failed to note the bundle of contradictions on the WHO website regarding the efficacy of these vaccines. The website clearly states, "it does not fully protect everyone who is vaccinated, and we do not yet know how well they can prevent people from transmitting the virus to others. So, as well as getting vaccinated, we must also continue with other measures to fight the pandemic."

Was the vaccine really a means to an end? It brings to mind the 1798 Thomas Malthus Essay on the Principles of Population, where he argued that the population was growing faster than food production and proposed the solution of "population reduction." Even the highest philanthropist who donated $1 million to Nigeria proposed a three-pact plan to lower the world's population by perhaps 10% to 15% through vaccines and abortions.

This is abysmal!

Nigerian universities should and must place all vaccines under laboratory tests, as the entire community of about 200 million citizens awaits their judgment. We must not settle for anything less.


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