Published Date: Sep 4, 2023
Last Updated:
Are the youths safe?
A poem by 
Chinedu j. Irechi
Are the Youth's Safe?

The child is the youth
The strength and future of a nation
But when change is driven by masked motives
The nation's strength is left to absolute degradation

The youth is the mother
The Father of the next generation
But when violence, nepotism, tribalism and corruption are the faces they see,
The next generation becomes a mirror of national deterioration

The youth is the leader

The symbol of peace, unity, vision and integrity

But when unemployment,  poverty, corruption and inequality becomes the code of leadership,

The youth is caught in the crossfire of malpractice, tyranny, and moral depravity

We have stayed so long on theories
Education is meant to be more than that
But now most see it as a scam
Let's add to our many words a little action.

Hear this humble advice of mine oh great youths!
One without a skill is like a house without a roof top
Misery awaits such an one when the rainy day comes, have one.

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