Hot Topic: Digital SUG

Published Date: Sep 13, 2023
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Wayne Gretzky, a legendary hockey player, once shared his secret to success: "I skate to where the puck is going to be, not to where it has been."

In the 1960s, life was a breeze. Take Okonkwo, the main character in Achebe's "Things Fall Apart." He had a routine. Every morning when he went to his farm, the sun was always rising in the East. Even when the centre could not hold as things fell apart; he killed Ikemefuna, and he still went into exile in his matriarchal descent.

However, in today's world, getting away with a crime like murder is much harder. Things have changed. Even someone like Hushpuppi, who made a big impression on Instagram, couldn't escape the FBI.

We need to pay attention to the way the world is changing. It's important to adapt to new trends. But we shouldn't assume that history will repeat itself. Instead, history gives us valuable lessons.

Technology has made our lives easier and helped us be more productive. I encourage the Student Union Government (SUG) to embrace digital tools and methods.


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