Breaking: Cmrd. Ibrahim Tasiu, the President of (NNSF) Gamji uniabuja chapter, welcomes all Muslim faithful to the Ramadan season

Published Date: Mar 11, 2024
Last Updated:


As-salamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu!

I extend heartfelt Ramadan wishes to all our Muslim brothers and sisters in the university community.
Ramadan is a time of reflection, prayer, and spiritual growth. It is an opportunity for us to draw closer to Allah, seek forgiveness for our sins, and strive to become better individuals.

During this blessed month, let us remember to support each other, spread love and cares, and strengthen the bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood. Let us use this time to pray for ourselves, our families, our community, and our country. 

May Allah accept our prayers and our deeds as acts of worship.

Ramadan Mubarak!


Cmrd.Ibrahim Tasiu. 
President (NNSF) Gamji uniabuja chapter.

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