NUESA EXCLUSIVE: You owe your exams to yourselves to work hard and do your best–Hon. Ifesinachi Donald

Published Date: Apr 14, 2024
Last Updated:
You owe your exams to yourselves to work hard and do your best–Hon. Ifesinachi Donald 

With absolute humility and earnest dedication to the call of leadership. I, Hon. Ifesinachi Donald, a member elect representating our prestigious mother faculty,in the Students representative assembly of our prestigious UofA wishes to extend my best wishes in your examinations.
I believe you have worked hard and have gathered everything necessary to excel in the coming examinations, I charge you to dispell fears, doubts and overconfidence in this coming exams.

I am behind you, cheering you on to the finish line. Heaven understand that you might be feeling stressed, overwhelmed, confused and so damn tired, I enjoin you to keep going.

As you sit down to your exams you owe it to yourselves to work hard and do your best.

It thrills us at SUG to see your unquantifiable dedications and commitments towards achieving academic excellence. Kindly call on me for supports and assistance for supporting you is central to my objectives at SUG.

I wish you the best of luck!

Long Live NUESA Students!
Long Live NUESA Alumni!!

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