BREAKING: A Girl's Struggle; Sanity Versus Scarcity

Published Date: Jul 13, 2024
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A girl's conversation with herself.

I screamed in shock after Don'tPlay the pseudonym of the guy that's incharge of the provision store in the hostel told me the price of Always– my favourite pad from day one.

The nonchalant look on his face didn't help to alleviate my shock, pain and surprise because I knew he wasn't playing.

Always is now #1000, I quizzed further. But, this time, he was attending to another student who was pointing at almost everything in the shop and asking for their prices.

Omoo! The last time I bought Always was two months ago during resumption and it was still priced at 600.

I looked at the 1k in my hand which was my last card till luck shines on me and wished I could become a money doubler in seconds. 

Thoughts of me wishing I was of the opposite gender crossed my mind but I wiped it off immediately. They have their share of trouble too. Don't they? 

But how do I remain happy and survive in this school as a student when I have to get a pad every month for a price could feed me for two days since I have the basic foodstuff– rice, beans, and garri.

Worse still, the 8 pieces in the pack will not be enough for me so I have to get 2.

"Oh my God" I whispered loudly.

I'll just have to do what I never thought I would catch myself doing– use rags or beg for pads.

Ish! I prefer the latter. Let me maintain some steeze, please.

Yeahhh. I know it's unhygienic and all that medical stuff you may be thinking about right now but that is the safest I can do than walking about with a red flag on my back when I am not even in a relationship.

But I will feel so uncomfortable.

Or, better still, I can use it at night since I don't have to walk around, and wake up very early to wash them. Of course I'll wash and wear. Clothes are expensive too.

"Aunty you go buy or not" the harsh voice of Don'tPlay brought me out of my reverie.

I parted with my last 1k with so much hurt in my heart and so much thought on how my concoction rice will look without seasoning.

This short story aims to sensitive you on what young girls now face because of the high expense of a commodity they have to use– pads.

Help put a smile on the face of a girl child by supporting this movement through sponsorship.
Together, we can make this happen.

Don't play!


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