Truth always prevails, and those who try to silence it will ultimately fall victim to their own lies.

Published Date: Jul 15, 2024
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Ikwe Nwogodo once said," criticise not another for what you do in secrets". Even Prof. Patrick Lumumba during a conference here in Nigeria pointed out criticism,tribalism and kleptocracy as the sinister agenda of disunity in Nigeria, but it all ended at the birth of the Ladipo Solanke Unionism,which the traditional owners of the house we've all come to meet, have fought to protect until this time that the enemy of democracy arose again to fall back the heaviest.

Unlike the union of the Nelson Mandela of UofA, Prof. Umar Kari,that stood for democracy to prevail, making UofA remain the only university of national unity in Nigeria, today's unionism developed into a place of power struggles, backstabbing, and dirty tactics, not remembering that unionism is devoid of tribe and tongue.

It took a surprising turn that left all patriotic citizens shocked and humbled. It all started when leaders that loves men, rose to fame with their charismatic speeches and promises of a better future for the people. Then, the leaders that loves things, who were seasoned politicians, dismissed them as feeble and inexperienced leaders.

The leaders that loved things, stole to satisfy their desires, instead of investing in the welfare of the students, they stole from men to buy things.

Sooner or later, the leaders that loves men proved them wrong when they won the hearts of the people and were elected as the herders of the city. The other politicians, who were used to getting their way by manipulating and silencing their opponents, were threatened by the way the Leaders that loves men rose to power.

They feared that leaders that loves men would expose their corrupt practices and bring about a change that would end their damages.

So, they hatched a plan to discredit the leaders that loves men by accusing them of embezzlement and fraud. They spread false rumors, twisted their words, and even presented fake evidence to the media.

The leaders that loves men, who were known for their honesty and integrity, were devastated. They had always believed in the power of truth and justice, but now they found themselves at the mercy of lies and deceit. As the media frenzy grew, the leaders that loves men's supporters started to doubt them, and even their own party members turned against themselves. It seemed like the end of their political career. But then, something unexpected happened.

The truth came out, and it was revealed that the leaders that loves things were the ones who were guilty of all the crimes they accused the leaders that loves men of. The evidence is now uncovered, and the corrupt politicians are now exposed.

Today, the leaders that loves men, are now not only exonerated, but they also emerged as heroes who had stood their ground against the powerful and corrupt leaders who dared to work against the democracy of our unions.

They were once so sure of their victory, they are now left humiliated and exposed. They have fallen victim to their own tactics and are now facing the consequences of their actions. 

Truth always prevails, and those who try to silence it will ultimately fall victim to their own lies.

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