BREAKING:The Dean of Faculty of Communications Has Debunked Rumours Of Suspension of lectures amidst protest

Published Date: Jul 30, 2024
Last Updated:

Prof. Abdullahi Saleh BASHIR, the pioneer dean of faculty of communications and media studies has dispelled rumours of a suspension of academic activities in the faculty from August 1st due to the protest.

The insinuations have been making the rounds following the derailing news  published by Aruya Ohiriemen on the famous network blog.

With the repeated disruptions in our academic calendars over the past 88 days of resumption, any attempt to engage in this undemocratic protest will be a setback for the school.

"Even during the strike my faculty has been having lectures, so why would we suspend our lectures now for  purported protest" said the Dean

He also directed the fake news peddlers to immediately bring the post down and also send disclaimer.

Fake news is a killer, we urge everyone to desist from doing such act.

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