JUST IN: 3 Faculties laments over the hike in Keke prices, calls out SUG Director of welfare..

Published Date: Jul 29, 2024
Last Updated:
Have you ever missed a never to be missed lecture, not because you woke up late or because you do not have enough money on you to get you to the class, but because the tricycle operators will not agree to take you to your faculty except you woe them with extra cash aside their usual stipulated fair?

Is this problem only affecting faculty of education, faculty of communications and media studies and faculty of environmental sciences? because standing for almost 33 minutes, 27 seconds at Adelabu market and bargaining for price that the SUG were supposed to have regulated is always prevalent to these mentioned faculties.

It's only the person wearing shoes 👞 that can tell where the shoe 👞 is paining him, so maybe it's only because it's affecting only these faculty's that's why the Students Union Government have winked their eyes away from the welfare of the students their or maybe because the Director of welfare isn't affected by these problems 🤔, but I guess when someone is elected into the union’s cabinet, he seizes to represent just his faculty but the whole school.

If it is what it is, then it's high time we ended this culture of sending memoirs without actions to back it up.

This is to express our outrage and concern over the sudden and arbitrary increase in tricycle prices across our school.
The last time the former Director of welfare, Hon. Moriki brokered the price of tricycle across the faculties, it was pegged thus;

School gate >>>>>Education =150
Hostel/Within the school >>Education=#100

This prices have been so until the new semester, now students pay #150 or #200 from hostel to education and that is if the tricycle operator agrees to go to education or the 2 new faculties. 

This sudden hike has caused undue hardship for many students who rely on tricycles as a means of transportation to and from school.

This is an unfair practice and we demand an explanation from the director of welfare. The lack of transparency and consultation with students is totally unacceptable.

We also urge Hon. Bashir led cabinet and the Rt. Hon. Zainab led 9th Assembly to join us in calling for a review of this decision and seeking a more affordable and sustainable solution.

Let's make our voices heard!

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