Published Date: Jul 20, 2024
Last Updated:
Today's marks 79 days of uncertainty, confusion and frustration for the students of the University of Abuja. 

The students resumed with high hopes of a new semester and the end of session but have been held down like hostages without a say after the lecturers embarked on a strike with no date of return. 

Some of the students are forced to go back home out of frustration after they resumed and finished their foodstuff whilst waiting for the strike to be called off. 

It is no news that the students are in a dilemma. 

The students representatives, however, do not seem to be concerned about the public toilets predicaments of all faculties and welfare of the students which should be a state of emergency. Rather, they are involved in the struggle for who should be in control leaving the very ones they are supposed to lead, behind the scenes. 

Make laws o!, lawmakers that will keep the students at rest.

This is clearly an obvious example of misplaced priorities and calls for serious concern backed up with action. 

Are the students going keep on living in frustration and hopelessness whilst the very ones who are supposed to amplify their voices keep mute and mind their personal businesses?


The university of Abuja is the university of national unity and we ALL must be put aside our differences, because we were never different. 

Put aside our tribes and tongues because we first a nation and we will always be.

Remember our new anthem, 'Though tribe and tongue may differ, in unionism we stand.

Remember the words of Veteran leader, Wolly Bee as we'll all remember, "the students before politics". 

Share with the students the good news of our Union progress our union.

Igwe Udoka once said, " in life, it the life of King's, it is not the years in the life of leaders  that counts but the life's I'm our years,the life transforming bills that we put into law to strengthen unity and make life easy for students. 

Let Love Lead

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